You are looking for valid job opportunities, but how would you approach an HR recruiter? Do you shoot off an email praising yourself and suggesting that they would be lucky to get you on board, or would you instead strategize and try to approach it differently?
If you are still wondering how to go about it, read on.
How to Approach HR Contact for a Job?
Social Media
Use LinkedIn, as this portal does what an email doesn’t! It shows you how to link and network with others, and you can search for the HR recruiters and see if you have any connections in common.
Use these connections to the optimum, read up on the recruiter’s profile, and get more information about them and who to approach to land that dream job.
You can also use other professional social media websites to discover HR contacts.
Refine Resume
Streamline that resume, update it, and ensure that the profile matches what the HR recruiter is looking for. Of course, your resume needs to be overhauled and given a new fresh look, one that will prove to attract HR’s attention.
Contacting the HR
Once you have gotten all the info you need, the question arises on how best to approach HR. The best way would be through a shared contact.
If you do not have any contacts in common, cold emailing is your best option. But it would help if you were careful when emailing the HR and try not to sound too sales like, or overhype yourself.
Just communicate that the current job sounds like something you’re looking for and make the point why you would be a good fit. Try to avoid saying desperate, as this will impact HR’s decision.
That’s it. Discover your contacts and start getting in touch!
Knowing when to talk to your HR and when not to can make all the difference; it’s something that you need to be aware of, or you could end up searching for a new job.
Often people mistake their HR as a neutral referee of sorts, or worse, a counsellor.
The Nature of HR
Granted, given the misinformation that’s put out regarding HR, it is often hard to overcome the assumption that HR is an in-house counsellor when, in reality, they are anything like that. HR is there to ensure that employees can function optimally and seek ways to improve.
When to Approach HR?
While there is a slight overlap, the primary function of HR is to increase productivity while retaining and promoting talent and skill within the company.
It would be best to approach your HR should you have some pertinent questions or need to raise issues that impact your performance. Here’s when you approach your HR –
Harassment at Work
You are sexually harassed, which impacts your performance, apart from causing you to be stressed out. You need to approach your HR right away, raise this issue and ask it to be resolved right away.
Getting Information
You are not aware of all the benefits you can avail yourself of as an employee. You can approach your HR and ask them to explain the same; they must disseminate information regarding employee benefits from health to legal to all the employees.
To request a meeting, raise these issues, and request more information.
Workplace Discrimination
If you are facing discrimination based on your religion, gender, caste or skin colour, any discrimination issues must be brought to your HR’s attention right away.
So if you are facing these issues at your workplace, it is in your interest to raise them with your HR so that the issue can be resolved amicably.
The Top Things Your HR Manager Will Not Tell You
How often have you walked up to your HR manager and conversed with him? More often than not, the answer would be a resounding “no”, for the fact remains that there is a certain disconnect between HR managers and employees worldwide.
And this is not something new, but just that, of late, companies have started streamlining their operations, including evaluating their employees based on their performance, resulting in more workers being fired.
Time is money, and if a company feels that a particular employee has underperformed, their position would soon be terminated.
And the person, who gets to do the deed, is the HR manager, which is why a call from HR asking you to come over to see them is enough to give many an anxiety attack.
Here’s what an HR manager would never tell you at any point in time
• Details regarding your personnel file
• Discuss how others view you in the company
• Whether you will be let go in the near future
• About what your future role would be
• About your performance
The last is never discussed unless your promotion or imminent termination is there on the table, so it makes a list. These are things that no HR manager would generally discuss with the employees, and the problem is apparent right away.
A worker may underperform for various reasons, starting from lack of adequate experience and health issues to personal problems.
So if there is a chance to get an employee to perform better, then the HR manager and the company would be better off by addressing the root causes rather than just issuing the red slip.