Things to Know Before Going to New Zealand

New Zealand has majestic mountains, rolling green hills, breathtaking fjords and astonishing diversity of landscape seen from one island to the next.

New Zealand’s beauty is incomparable. New Zealand’s loads of natural beauty are breathtaking. And that is why people visit New Zealand often. And if you plan to do so too, here are a few things you need to know about New Zealand before actually going there.

Connection to the island

Land and place is core to New Zealanders. Its connectedness to the island has drawn many tourists to the country, reinforced by the revolutionary heritage of their forebears.

Their relationship and understanding of land and sea tell a lot about kiwis—for example, the new Zealanders passion for outdoor and sports activities.

Environmental guardianship

New Zealanders have a strong sense of guardianship for their environment. For instance, they maintain robust controls overfishing, land development, water quality and conservation. New Zealand has dedicated more than 30% of its land to national parks and several other protected areas.

You will get a clear picture of how careful they protect their environment from the tight bio-security instructions of things to bring to New Zealand the moment you land at the airport.

Below are a few standard cultures of New Zealanders.

  1. Shoes off and sit well.

Maori culture considers sitting or leaning on a desk disrespectful, especially someone else’s. This is where they focus their minds and earn their money, so they should not be touched by “dirty” parts of the body.

It is also uncouth to enter a Maori sacred building or household with your shoes on. If you want to have a great time with your host, kick your shoes off.

  1. Slap on the sunscreen

Although it is not as upsetting as the effects of the Australian sun, those rays are significantly more influential than in many other areas of the world.

North Americans and Europeans, to be specific, need a little rough reminding that sunglasses and sunscreen are a necessity if you want to avoid long-term damage.

Well, if you keep these things in mind, you are all good to go.


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