While the honour of wearing the white coat and saving a thousand lives is a privilege in itself, the entire process to become a doctor is that of hard work, relentless struggle, and toil.
This may burn out a lot of us, and it’s natural. But to make it through, medical students have to hold themselves together and make sure that stress doesn’t get the better of them.
Though the pressure in medical studies is intense, most people will emerge with shining colours.
So go through these 5 tips that will help you cope with the stress of a medical course.
You need to calm down and understand that you’re not alone. Your batch-mates are undergoing the same pressure, and your seniors went through it previously and made it!
The calmer you are, the better you perform. So ease up and don’t overthink.
Cut yourself some slack:
Medical students are known to be highly stressed. Take a breather for a while. Go on that trip, chat with your buddies, watch that movie- whatever helps you relax, but not at the cost of your studies.
Take sensible breaks from your study schedule. This is important.
Manage your written work at the beginning itself:
Most students leave their practical and file work for the end of the term. But last moment, panic can mess with your head and interfere with exam preparation.
Avoid procrastination. You may have fun at the beginning of the term, but this very backlog can haunt you afterwards. So make sure that all your files are completed by mid-session.
Study in increments:
Most toppers will tell you they studied for the entire year. Consistency is key. If you cover the essential topics during the entire year, you’ll have good command when exams arrive by the end of the session.
This will also reduce your study load and exam stress while your concepts will be crystal clear.
Focus on the basics:
Subjects like Anatomy and Physiology can be very typical and volatile. You will find it hard to grasp them if you mug it all up.
So it’s better to delve into the depth and origin of these concepts and focus more on visual and audio-visual learning so that everything is at your fingertips as you can understand the basics better.
If you are a medico student, do try these tips, they will surely help.