6 Best Ways to Deal With Discrimination in the Workplace

Over the past few years, unlawful Discrimination in the workplace is one of the topics that have been brought up more than once. The people who know it the best are the ones who work in Human Resources for the process of Recruitment. Such discrimination in the workplace happens due to a number of reasons ranging from age, disability, race, religion, sex, and more.

The vital fact to keep in mind is that even though it might not currently exist in your workplace, knowing how you should deal with workplace discrimination is still of utmost extremely significance not only for yourself but also for your co-workers.

Gender discrimination, Age discrimination, Race discrimination, or any other lawful discrimination in the workplace is one topic you should always educate yourself with among the plethora of other things that are happening in the workplace. One should also keep track of all the laws that protect the employees from such discrimination as they might come in handy in case such a situation arises.

Educate yourself with not only your own but the functioning of other industries and the approach they choose to deal it with also. Reading the newspaper on an everyday basis would be of huge help to stay aware of all such discrimination in the workplace.

Staying up to date on the employment laws is of utmost importance as there are a number of laws that protect employees from any such discrimination and having a good idea about those would save you from unpredictable situations that you might have thought there is no way out of.

Throughout the course of this article, you would get to know the many different ways that exist for one to deal with discrimination the right way along with information on the Civil Rights Act that could be quite helpful. The most important step in the same would be knowing full well the rights that you possess as an employee in any and every work setting.

Tips to Handle Discrimination in the Workplace.

If at any point, one or more employees raise their voice against discrimination in the workplace, the very first step of the whole process to handle it should be to check if an informal discussion can resolve the issue at hand. In case it doesn’t suffice and a formal complaint is issued, the below-mentioned steps can be effective ways to deal with Discrimination in the workplace.

These steps would ensure a thorough investigation of the complaint and the process would make it easier for both the parties involved in issuing the complaint and the necessary action against discrimination in the workplace would be taken.

• Register the Complaint 

This might seem like a basic first step but it is extremely vital since it reflects if you are even taking the matter seriously. The first step to take against any matter is to address the issue at hand which this case is against discrimination in the workplace.

With support from HR, you should at first inform your line manager about the problem if it is not directed to them an investigation would be taken ahead keeping the nature of the complaint in mind.

• Seek Information and Clarification

The person handling the complaint should talk to the person who raised it and get the full story from their perspective. They need to find out: What was said and done.

When and where it happened. What the context of the incident was.Whether any other people were involved or witnessed the incident who could supply extra information.

It’s also important to record how the complainant feels as a result of their experience, and what the personal impact on them has been.

Check out the attached video to be aware of more laws that protect employees from unlawful discrimination in the workplace.

Look for Solutions

Once a complete investigation of the complaint has taken place, the next step is to make the important decision regarding the extent to which the discrimination in the workplace has taken place and what do you seek to do against it.

In such cases, it is vital to remember the impact that discrimination had on you and those around you but also try to introspect if there is any cause or reason to it.

One must try to access all the support that they require in order to make the right decision from within as well as outside the establishment they are working at against harassment and discrimination in the workplace while maintaining confidentiality throughout the same.

Rely on External Investigation

There is a possibility that the claimant (who could be you or somebody who chose to confide in you about the Discrimination in the workplace) is of the opinion that in house investigation is not enough or us insufficient to handle their concern or they might not agree with their outlook and decision.

In such a scenario, one would prefer to take things in their hands and choose to take things much beyond the process of appeals and grievances.

Examples of the same would be to begin a legal case against workplace discrimination due to your gender identity, sexual orientation, age Discrimination, national origin, religious beliefs, race discrimination, disability discrimination, workplace harassment, applying to an employment tribunal or to go to more such extents.

If such a situation occurs, you must ensure that you are taking all the professional and legal advice and are fully informed of what you are doing.

You will have to allow people from outside the organization to access vital information as well as evidence so it’s important to make sure that you understand all the laws regarding this.

Steps to Take Against Unlawful Employment Discrimination:

1. Spread Awareness

The very first step to resolving any and every problem is to address it make people aware of it by acknowledging it and then finding ways to deal with it. Therefore, you need to begin by making your employer aware of the discrimination in the workplace even regarding any sort of harassment.

It would not be surprising to know that a number of illegal acts of discrimination in the workplace then be it regarding an employee’s religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age discrimination, gender discrimination, or any other such discriminatory practices or sexual harassment have gone unrecognized and as a result unpunished. In such situations, the victims don’t raise their voices and the rest of the victims tend to then follow the same approach.

It is important that they make it clear which approach or conduct is unwelcome and unacceptable. It is very rare that employers readily admit to discrimination in the workplace or harassment for that matter and even help one to draft legal papers against them.

Your employer is the one who should be held responsible for complying with the law, but you alone are responsible for making sure that your personal rights are protected and that you utilize them wisely.

You shouldn’t hesitate to let your employer know that you are taking the matter seriously. Don’t be afraid to ask them for a written file every time you report to them an incident of discrimination or harassment.

Ask that a thorough investigation should be made into your allegations and that disciplinary or corrective action against the offenders is also taken.

All employers are required by law to give prompt consideration to all reports of discrimination in the workplace as well as harassment.

Another effective way would be to keep a diary of any incidents of discrimination in the workplace or even harassment.

You should record the date, the approximate time, the concerned location, parties that were involved, witnesses, as well as the in-depth details of the improper conduct or speech.

You should keep any objects or pictures that were posted, left for you, or even given to you during the discrimination.

Discrimination in the workplace
Photo by UnlimPhotos/Newzulu

2. Ensure a Supportive Work Environment

The most feasible way to promote fairness and equality at work, and also to uphold the law, is to be proactive and raise your voice against harassment and discrimination in the workplace. This also involves creating an environment in which mutual respect is a mutual priority, the benefits of diversity are well recognized, and there is also zero tolerance for bullying or any kind of bad behavior.

Everyone in these cases should be made to feel safe to raise a concern, and they should be confident that any issues will be addressed and acknowledged with the utmost sensitivity and effectiveness.

There are a number of ways in which one can embrace and accommodate the differences of people– by helping to ensure that there’s very little place for unfair treatment.

For instance, making adjustments that are appropriate for people’s disabilities is a very transparent way to show that you give everyone the same opportunities to thrive and make use of.

3. Review Company and Legal Laws.

Make it a point to review federal as well as state laws to see what your rights actually are. These laws are available at law libraries, some general libraries, and also on the Internet. Few of the major federal laws that are against harassment and discrimination in the workplace are inclusive of:

State and Federal Laws Against Workplace Discrimination

According to state and federal law, the following are a few acts that you must be acquainted with in order to save yourself from workplace discrimination before you get employed are as follows.

▪︎ Civil Rights Act

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin while going through the process of employment.

▪︎Equal Pay Act 

EPA or the Equal Pay Act that came into action in the year 1963 protects men and women who perform substantially equal work in the same establishment from any kind of sex-based discrimination in their wages.

▪︎ Age Discrimination 

The ADEA or the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of the year 1967, protects individuals who are 40 years of age or older from any kind of discrimination in the work setting.

▪︎ Disabilities Act

Title I and Title V of ADA Or the Americans with Disabilities Act that goes back to the year 1990, as amended prohibits all kinds of employment discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities in the private sector, and in state and local governments;

▪︎ Rehabilitation Act

Both Sections, 501 and 505 of the Rehabilitation Act of the year 1973, prohibit any discrimination against qualified individuals and job applicants who have disabilities and who work in the federal government. Any bias against them is prohibited according to federal law.

▪︎ Non-Discrimination Act

Title II of GINA or the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of the year 2008, prohibits discrimination among employees on the basis of any genetic information regarding an applicant, employee, or even former employee.

▪︎ Family and Medical Leave Act

FMLA or Family and Medical Leave Act is a federal law that requires employers or job applicants to permit their employees to time off, and also do not discriminate against them, in order to take care of personal and even family medical needs.

Apart from the extremely vital laws that you should definitely be aware of there is another significant law that you should be well acquainted with is the Civil Rights Act of the year 1991, which, among the many other things, provides monetary damages in cases of intentional employment discrimination. Civil Rights Act saves employees from harassment and workplace discrimination in many cases.

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4. Combat Discrimination

In order to maintain high ethical standards and legislation, the most appropriate thing is to create an overall policy for your organization – which could be a “non-discrimination,” policy that would vouch for “equality, diversity, and inclusion (ED&I),” or even “dignity at work”.

This document should highlight how and why exactly is equal treatment necessary and how one can go about achieving it – this includes the process of dealing with any discrimination complaints. Furthermore, it should identify individual responsibilities as well as the points of contact.

Another key point to remember here is to review as well as update your policy document quite regularly, and to give everyone access to it.

Keep a check and make sure that potential discrimination is covered in all other relevant policies, as well – for instance, those for recruitment, pay and conditions, and entitlement to take leave.

Moreover, make sure that all the rules and procedures that your organization swears by are in place and treat everyone equally and fairly.

In addition to it, if you are someone who is providing extra support to people with certain characteristics – such as prioritizing people from under-represented ethnic backgrounds while you are a part of a recruitment drive, you should voice out your opinion accompanied with your legitimate reasons for doing so.

5. Get Legal Help

Among the plethora of ways through which a person can save themselves and others from discrimination in the workplace, one of the ways and one of the most significant ways at that is investing in a good lawyer.

At the end of the day, even though it might seem like a piece of work and a waste of resources, investing in a good lawyer in actuality can save a lot of your money and time while even providing you with favorable results.

In any and every setting, dealing with discrimination or harassment is bad enough, what worsens it is when it happens at work, you might feel trapped since work is unavoidable.

If you are someone or you know someone who has been dealing with harassment or discrimination in the workplace, it’s in your best interest to get in touch with a local employment lawyer so that they can explain to you, your legal options.

The State laws that are against workplace discrimination are subjective from one jurisdiction to another and they might be called something different in each of its jurisdictions.

In case you have access to the statutes or legal code for your state, you must review the table of contents or even indexes and look for headings or descriptors that concern fair employment laws, discrimination, equal opportunities, and other similar topics, with the help of a lawyer. It would be much easier for one to be identifying discrimination claims owing to the federal government fighting against unlawful discrimination in the workplace.

6. Empower your Employees – Irrespective of their Race, Cast, Sex, Sexual Orientation, and More.

Your plan of action should be to make it difficult for discrimination in the workplace to go unchallenged by making it a point to empower everyone and helping them to call it out as and when they see it – without the fear of reprisal.

You should always be supportive of and promote open and honest conversations. Ensure that you are helping people to communicate clearly in order to avoid misunderstandings, and always lead by example, by communicating to a high standard yourself.

You can try to make use of your one-on-one contacts, as well. Always make it a point to give your people the time and space that is required to raise any concerns that they might have especially regarding discrimination in the workplace.

And, also listen carefully and considerately to anything that comes up during such meetings. Later you can show that you’re taking their concerns seriously, and are also following the routes to resolving the issue regarding harassment and discrimination in the workplace at hand.

Photo by UnlimPhotos/newzulu

Things To Be Mindful Of:

• Even though there are doubts regarding discrimination in the workplace or even harassment of any kind, might be or might not always be true but if a number of people are complaining about the same issue you should most definitely hire a lawyer to investigate more into the problem at hand.

• There are a number of firms and institutions for consultation that take a fee to do an in-depth investigation of your issue at hand.

• It’s best not to take even a single complaint of your employees lightly or for granted as it must take a lot of courage for one to actually stand up and complain against their superiors.

• They should be given the benefit of the doubt and their complaint should be looked into. A thorough investigation should take place regarding the same followed by interviews that should be recorded and taken notes of for one to always be able to go back and re-check them if need be.

• Planting security cameras is also a very simple yet useful solution as maybe not all the areas but most of them would be secured making the employees of your establishment feel protected and safe from employment discrimination, gender discrimination, disability discrimination, and other kinds of unlawful discrimination claims and any such unfair treatment.

Final Note

Discrimination in the workplace comes in many forms and the way it affects people is also subjective. While not all countries have laws against discrimination in the workplace, but there are a number of countries that do and they usually claim to “protect” their employees with those characteristics as they make it illegal to treat someone differently because of characteristics like; Race, age, sex, sexual orientation, religion, and disability discrimination.

These are among the most commonly protected characteristics against unlawful discrimination – but there are other aspects of a person’s identity, for instance- gender reassignment, married status or military service that to an extent is also covered by the law but not entirely. The civil rights act is quite assuring when it comes to employment discrimination claims.

Such claims can be on the basis of offensive work environment, sex discrimination, international discrimination, mental disability discrimination, pregnancy discrimination, racial discrimination, religious discrimination, gender discrimination, and even the equal pay act to fight against any unlawful discrimination claims.

If you are somebody who is in a position of power and you have employees that work under you, you should most definitely consider the complaints of each and every one of your employees and implement the necessary actions. Look into each and every complaint and make your work environment a safe, warm, and protected space.


5 Fantastic and Highest Paying Occupational Therapy Jobs

In the tree of health care, Occupational therapy jobs are a significant branch that majorly focuses on providing care, help, and therapeutic assistance to all those who require it and are in need of it to get through their daily activities.

While it’s very typical for the practitioners of occupational therapy to become occupational therapists, there are more occupational therapy jobs in this sphere than just that. Occupational Therapy Practitioners can pursue a number of other occupational therapy jobs that this article will acquaint you with throughout its course.

ACOT or The Academic Council of Occupational Therapy issues a certificate of registration for the people who practice occupational therapy in India.

Moreover, the All India Occupational Therapists Association (AIOTA) along with the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) recognize Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (BOT) Graduates who complete the course from AIOTA accredited colleges successfully. They are even eligible to apply for the membership to get an official certificate to pursue their practice of occupational therapy.

The least requirement for one to pursue a job in occupational therapy is to successfully pass their 10+2 exams in subjects like biology, physics, chemistry as well as English with a minimum of 45% – 50% of marks. Moreover, a degree in the Bachelor’s of Occupational Therapy (BOT) that is acquired over a duration of four years along with a six-month internship is necessary for one to pursue the profession of an occupational therapist.

Occupational Therapy: 

1. Pediatric Therapist Jobs

One of the occupational therapy jobs that you must stay job alert for is the job of a Pediatric therapist whose specialty lies in supporting children and helping them in performing their daily routines. A pediatric occupational therapist is someone who works with children who are facing problems in learning and have some psychological or physical problems.

They work towards assisting them in performing everyday living activities with utmost comfort. A Pediatric Therapist from occupational therapy even helps to develop children’s fine, sensory as well as visual-motor skills, which are necessary for their functioning and social interaction as occupational therapy services.

The average salary of a Pediatric therapist in India is ₹1,12,569 per month.

Photo by UnlimPhotos/naumoid

2. Occupational Therapist Jobs

In the field of Occupational therapy Jobs, the most common and popular one that people usually go for is the job of an Occupational Therapist. Occupational Therapists apply specialized equipment as well as the therapeutic use of day-to-day activities in hopes of treating and serving disabled, sick, or injured patients.

Occupational therapists also assist patients for there to be an improvement in their developing skills and help them, regain the skills that are necessary to lead a regular life and to do work in the field of occupational therapy.

These qualified applicants who become occupational therapists may even provide both long-term as well as emergency treatment and physical therapy to their patients in case that is necessary to treat their developmental delays, functional limitations, and developmental impairments that they find out by testing individuals.

The average salary of an Occupational Therapist in India is ₹46,033 per month.

3. Mental Health Therapist Jobs

Among the number of occupational therapy jobs, the job of a mental health therapist practices occupational therapy to examine and cure mental as well as emotional health disorders along with interpersonal problems and life difficulties.

They usually work with patients towards making meaningful behavioral changes with the help of a variety of psychotherapeutic techniques. Not only that, they even provide coping techniques for one to overcome some of life’s challenges with the help of their doctoral programs to treat patients.

The average salary of a Mental Therapist in India is ₹42,800 per month.

Occupational therapy jobs
Photo by UnlimPhotos/MilanMarkovic78

4. Speech Therapist

The job of a Speech therapist out of all the occupational therapy jobs is one of the latest job alerts that helps and assists children as well as adults to improve their health. Their main focus is on people who have difficulty in speaking and communicating for physical or psychological reasons.

Their patients may range largely from infants who are suffering with delayed speech development to older adults who have a decrease in their communication ability owing to their illnesses or even developmental disabilities. Moreover, these speech therapist working in the field of Occupational Therapy also takes care of the individuals who have trouble in eating or swallowing their food.

The average salary of a Speech Therapist in India is ₹35,500 per month.

5. Counselling Psychologist Jobs

Counseling psychologist’s jobs is one of the occupational therapy jobs that employ mental health professionals and urge them to focus on helping patients who are going through and experiencing emotional distress, depression, anxiety or even behavioral disorders.

Furthermore, they even assist needy individuals who are suffering from any physical, emotional or mental health problems in order to enhance their sense of well-being, treat their feeling of discomfort and help them resolve crises that they otherwise find hard to resolve easily. They also analyze, diagnose as well as treat more serious psychological symptoms.

The average salary of a Counselling psychologist in India is ₹30,000 per month.

Soft Skills Required For Occupational Therapy

Apart from the mandatory academic qualifications, entry-level graduate programs, evaluation, and subject knowledge, occupational therapist jobs also require some soft skills to perform their duty successfully. These soft skills are as follows;

Photo by UnlimPhotos/Daxenbichler

• Problem-solving skills

• Nurturing

• Communication skills

• Empathy

• Physical strength

• Organizational skills

• Compassion

Final Note

This article would have helped you explore a list of some of the highest-paying occupational therapy jobs and their job description that someone from this field could consider going for. These jobs might assist you in determining and settling for a suitable choice for your career.

During the course of this article, we have discussed Five of the highest paying occupational therapist jobs, their primary duties and have also reviewed their salaries and discussed the skills and qualifications that they require for this profession.

One thing you should keep in mind before choosing one job to consider and go ahead with is that the Salaries of these professions may vary depending on the organization that is hiring, the experience of the candidate, their academic background and the job location.


8 of The Best Side Jobs To Do From Home

If you are someone who is looking for ways to stretch their paycheck in order to get your bills paid and are looking for a way to earn some extra cash, we are here to suggest some best side jobs to do from home, to help ease your journey.

These jobs will help you sail your boat through these difficult times and find the perfect one out of all the side jobs to do from home if you are not yet ready to look for a higher paying position where you are required full time. If you are not looking to commit to a permanent job full-time or part-time, you can always consider these flexible side jobs to do from home or an on-demand gig to add to your schedule.

It’s no surprise that with this expensive lifestyle that most of us lead, the debt can pile up and in order to save one’s money and also pay off the debt, getting side jobs from home can be one of the most useful and best ways.

You got lucky by scrolling and selecting this article as you are in for a journey that will make you go through a number of side jobs to do from home in order to earn that much-needed extra money and add it as a supplement to your income.

The best part about these side jobs to do from home is that the decision of how much or how little you want to work is yours to make.

If you wish to boost your earnings or are in need of making some extra cash you can work hard and get paid for that job and in case you are looking to take things easy, or maybe to learn a new skill to boost your resume you can work at a comparatively slower pace.

It’s on you if you want to treat your job as a side job, part-time job or a full-time job and that’s the beauty of the flexibility it offers

Tips to Make Some Extra Money by Pursuing a Side Job to Do from Home

Once you have decided to go ahead with your decision to pursue side jobs to do from home to make that extra money, there will be an ongoing list of opportunities present before you with a plethora of side jobs you can go forward with, and at the same time, not one side job you can actually give a shot.

One of the ways to narrow down the list of these ways to make extra money as a supplement to your full-time position is by picking a side gig that’s the right fit for you. You need to ask yourself questions like what is it that you really like to do? Are you really good at it? And if yes, how much time are you truly willing to dedicate to that one of the many side jobs to do from home?

• Set your Priorities Straight

While starting any process, it is extremely vital that you keep your priorities straight. Your side job might be more exciting than your regular job, but you shouldn’t let that get in the way of your performance at work.

In case your boss or any of your coworkers start to take notice that you’re not giving your projects the deserved attention, it could go against you and the work reputation that you hold.

• Communication is Key

It’s not necessary for you to tell your boss everything, however when you are beginning a new side gig that guarantees your unavailability at certain times, it’s extremely significant that you make that clear to your employer so it is of no surprise to them.

In the best-case scenario, they will appreciate your honesty and might think that some skills that you pick up at your side job would help you improve your performance at your regular workplace and things could actually turn in your favor.

• Control Your Pace

One of the best things about a number of these side gigs is that you can put as much time into them as you want, be it more or less. In the beginning, you can choose to only commit a bit of time to the new pursuit.

You have to get a good understanding of what you can handle alongside your normal job without burning yourself out. Once that is done, you can pick up or slow down your pace according to your preference.

At this point of the article, it’s time for you to take a good look at all the ways you can make extra money through the side jobs to do from home and start a new revenue stream for cash infusion today itself.

Below we have mentioned a number of gigs or side jobs to do from home that you can consider whenever you are in need of some extra income.

These are super easy to get, you don’t need to acquire additional education or training of any kind in order to get hired. These are the side jobs in which you can decide when you want to work and how much you want to work.

8 of The Best Side Jobs To Do From Home

1. Content Writing

Among the number of side jobs to do from home, to work as a content writer you will need to prepare a portfolio through which you can demonstrate your style of writing as well as your competence. Some jobs might even require you to pass either writing or an editing test.

As far as the interaction of businesses with their customers is concerned, written content is always on its peak. From writing content on social media, to website pages to finally articles regarding a number of fields, a content writer can manage to maintain quite a steady side income.

The topics that you can choose to write about are very broad and open. This is one field that doesn’t in any way limit or restricts your talent.

Even if you are a college-educated student and are skilled at written communication, with a job in the field of content writing you can make some decent money.

There are some comparatively more serious writing jobs for instance say, journalism that are full-time jobs, there is a high demand for technical and content writers as well as editors in other such related jobs.

  • Content Writers– The job of a content writer is to create content for websites, marketing pieces, as well as landing pages. If you are someone who enjoys working with websites but lacks the knowledge of coding, you can build a portfolio and also get paid to create content with your side jobs online
  • Technical Writing– The job of a technical writer involves proofreading or creating instructions for some products or software. One will need to be able to absorb vast amounts of information followed by complete research, and then be able to explain all of its complexities in simple language that non-technical readers can understand and comprehend.
Best side jobs to do from home
Photo by UnlimPhotos/nnudoo

2. Digital Marketing

In order for you to apply for the post of a digital marketer, more than all the other side jobs to do from home, you will need a reliable computer with a fast and dependable Internet connection to work from home comfortably.

An extra certification from a software company like Google, Facebook, HubSpot, Alison, Bing, or even Lynda has the chance to enhance the chances of hiring you, and it is up to you if you want to pursue those certificates in hopes of increasing your chances of getting selected.

In case you are helping a client with owned media, one more thing that you will require is a basic understanding of search engine optimization that is easily obtainable through online courses from SemRush or even Moz Academy. All of these online courses are either free or low-cost, and they also allow you to proceed at your own pace.

Almost each and every business from small to big, market their products and services online. Some companies may even hire freelancers to handle their social media, online advertising, as well as website advertising.

Just as television, as well as print advertising, continue to decrease in the effectiveness that they hold, more businesses require digital marketing experts. Within the realms of digital marketing, one can focus on either;

▪︎ Owned media

▪︎ Paid media.

Owned Media

Owned media management is inclusive of search engine optimization that is best practiced with the help of blog content, backlinking techniques, and much more.

Paid Media

Paid media management is inclusive of digital ads, for instance, Google AdWords, Facebook advertising, and LinkedIn advertising. The reason being the creation of the ad and targeting the right audience online can be quite complex, you will require to be trained in the appropriate media outlet long before managing a company’s paid digital advertising.

Website, as well as social media management, encompass helping businesses to manage their social media pages, along with being able to track their traffic online.

3. Virtual Assistant

The old days of a person burdened with work in the form of files in there, running around the office doing a number of tasks for their boss are long gone.

In today’s day and age, this profession is easily achievable from the comfort of your home for some extra income with some side hustle to make some good money as virtual assistants in legitimate companies on your own terms and own hours from the comfort of your home.

There is a plethora of virtual tasks along with administration work that professionals need help with handling virtual assistant jobs, and that’s where you step in as the virtual assistant.

As most of the responsibilities and work of an assistant have shifted online, there is an increase in the demand for virtual employees for these positions of a side job to make money apart from your day job.

Some of the tasks that are associated with pursuing the side job of a virtual assistant are inclusive of:

▪︎ Making Data Entry

▪︎ Responding to several emails

▪︎ Booking accommodations for travel purposes

▪︎ Scheduling Tasks

▪︎ Calendar organization

▪︎ Performing in-depth market research

4. Translation

Among the several side jobs to do from home, to become a translator one needs to be able to speak multiple languages in their vernacular so that they can easily pick up on idioms as well as cultural references. Moreover, they will require really strong writing and communication skills.

Are you someone who speaks more than one language? There is a huge demand for translators, as it is always soaring. There are a number of options that you can choose from, like transcribing written words from both videos as well as audio files or translating website or app content to make more money online with this side job.

If you are someone who prefers to speak rather than write, there are translation jobs that allow you to interpret those pieces. These voice translation jobs might have a requirement for regular hours, so if you prefer this kind of side gig, you’ll need to make sure that your gig doesn’t conflict with your day job.

Photo by UnlimPhotos/cienpies

5. Photo Editing

The first thing you would require in order to work as a photo editor amongst the different side jobs to do at home is a portfolio to showcase your photo editing skills to the employer. You will also require a good computer as well as professional photo editing software, such as Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom.

In case you don’t have much of a portfolio as of yet, you can always consider reaching out to a local professional photographer and even offer them your editing skills at a low cost. Or, you can consider setting up an account on Fiverr for clients who are looking to hire low-cost freelancers with limited work experience.

6. Website Development and Design

For one to explore work as a web developer, they don’t need formal education, however, they will need to demonstrate their coding skills with the help of a portfolio of the sites that they have built as well as maintained. It’s extremely significant for the Web designers to have a strong portfolio, even though knowing coding languages is not really important or even a required skill set to be employed in this specific market or industry.

Both, web developers, as well as designers, are required for website creation as well as its upgradation. Web developers are computer coders who are aware of how to create websites using codes like HTML, CSS, and also JavaScript. If you are experienced in these coding languages, you could always start out by making good money for part-time work.

Having some experience with computers and site-building platforms like WordPress would be of great help, you would not need to know computer coding in order to design websites. Web development and their designs are lucrative fields that have a strong job outlook that with the help of some patience and dedication can grow into a full-time freelance business.

Photo by UnlimPhotos/bloomua

7. Social Media Manager

A social media manager is somebody who can enhance the particular brand that they are working for and they build a very strong online community with the help of a number of Social Media Platforms.

In the day to day duties of a person who manages Social Media, they are responsible for developing and administering social media content that is curated and designed in order to engage users as well as to create an ongoing and interactive relationship between consumers as well as the company.

A candidate who is successful would also be required to collect as well as review social media data in order to develop more effective campaigns to earn money and make some passive income for their online side job.

The Day to Day Responsibilities of a Social Media Manager:

•They are majorly responsible for working closely with the marketing team in order to develop their social media presence as well as campaigns that help to achieve their corporate marketing goals.

•They develop monthly reports on emerging social media trends that are submitted to the management and executive teams to take things further.

• They monitor the company’s social media accounts and even offer constructive interaction with their users

• They work towards creating methods for finding as well as saving online customer reviews.

• They even analyze the long-term needs of the company’s social media strategy and come up with ideas to offer quarterly reports to the management as well as their executive teams that outline any necessary changes to their digital marketing plan.

8. Software Development

If you are someone who is looking for a gig in software development, there is no requirement for you to necessarily need a college degree, there is a wider scope than just that. Instead of doing that, you can always learn skills like programming languages and building a portfolio for potential clients as that comes in handy for quite a few side jobs to earn money and make some passive income.

In case computer programming is your regular job, you will have to make sure that your side gig does not in any way violate the employment agreement that you have with your employer as you definitely don’t want to lose something temporary over a permanent deal.

Whether it is about maintaining the backend functionality of a mobile device app or its about building software, a job in software development among the different side jobs to do at home is one of the most in-demand and required skilled jobs.

If you consider yourself as someone who is experienced in UX design, Java, PHP or just any of the other programming languages, there for sure is a high-paying job available for you to begin your career as a freelancer, just as soon as you are ready.

Few Perks of Side Jobs

• There are a number of people who have generated vital revenue by proven ways of finding side jobs to do from home. These have been with the help of short-term gigs which tend to deliver a good revenue or cash infusion to ventures that may last for a longer time period.

• These have the possibility of growing into a real time business. One needs to keep in mind that no matter what they are looking for, there’s a checklist that needs to be kept in mind and the methods need to be selected according to what fits the best with one’s time availability as well as skillset.

• Sitting for hours and scrolling through social media can in reality be moulded a little to get the cash flow going with the help of some side hustle through job boards in a few companies for the purpose of making money with an online side job or handling an online business in your spare time.

• The best part about side jobs to do from home is that no matter what you do and who you are, then be it a stay at home mom or an employee with a 9-5 job, finding a legit side job can prove to be an amazing way to supplement your income

Final Note

A side hustle or side job to do from home can be easily defined as the paid work that you are expected to complete. These side jobs to do from home are not very high on commitment, if anything they allow one more freedom than one has with a second job. The reason is, the flexibility of time and the pay culture that they follow. The minimal requirement for such side jobs to do from home are good internet service, a computer, and a telephone.

Throughout the course of this article, a number of jobs that allow for a good cash flow, and a bit of a supplement income without having to commit to a long-term or high-responsibility project is put forward before you. What more could you want? Some side jobs can become so successful that they become your main job with the only difference being in the flexibility of hours that you can set for yourself.



How to Turn Down a Job Offer Politely In 3 Easy Steps

Irrespective of whether you’re faced with an offer that you would never in a million years even consider accepting or one that you just might give a thought to this article will help your boat sail smoothly and on its way, acquaint you with a number of ways to go about such situations with utmost grace with, by answering your question of “How to Turn Down a Job Offer Politely”.

When you are beginning your career or changing it after years of staying in the same field, it’s only natural to try and spread your arms as far as possible. In the same spirit, people end up filling up every job application in hopes of landing their dream job offer and getting rid of their current position in the hiring process which could be the answer to your job search.

Even though this is a dream situation to be in, when you have offer letters from N number of places waiting for your response to the job offer lying on the table, your heart would always feel heavy when it’s time to turn down a letter or a job off. It’s just never easy.

In situations when you end up having multiple job offers or when you get offered a role that is not quite the right fit for you or that doesn’t fall under your area of expertise it’s only normal for the question of how to turn down a job offer politely to pop in your head. To decline a job offer, it’s important for it to reflect both professionalism and a very formal and official way of dealing with the situation and following your career goals and future opportunities.

Key Rules

Three of the most important key rules when it comes to answering your question of “How to turn down a job offer politely” and to decline a job offer are as follows-

Photo by UnlimPhotos/unikpix

• It is extremely important for you to update the hiring manager or the recruiter you were in contact with as soon as you’ve made up your mind. Beating around the bush and dragging out the process or informing them of your decision at the last minute will not do you any favors. It doesn’t exactly stand for maintaining a good relationship with the recruiter, hiring manager, or any other person of contact.

• It is also vital to always be polite and thank the hiring manager for the offer, remember that they are giving you a chance, and even though right now the situation might be in your favor with multiple job opportunities the tables can always turn. Remember to always be polite regardless of the reason you’re turning the offer letter down.

• Even though it is not important to mention the exact reason, make sure that the way you are approaching rejecting the job offer letter should be detailed and dependent on the reason you’re saying ‘no, thanks to the job offer.

Throughout the course of this article, you will come across some very common scenarios where you have to decline a job offer, that you might be able to relate to. These will help you tackle the situation of how to turn down an offer letter politely.

How to Turn Down A Job Offer Politely, in 3 Easy Steps:

While making any decisions in life, especially when they are work-related, the one thing that you must always keep in mind is for them to be the best suited for you. And no, this is not called being selfish.

You can consider rejecting the offer letter by phone as you might be able to express yourself better that way. It’s considered to be the best way to decline a job offer. In case you Can’t make a phone call, send an email. Immediately canceling all your thoughts like declining a job offer would burn a bridge. Thank them for offering you the job, remember to be polite. Give a general reason to them and ask them to stay in touch even after you decline the job.

1. Show Your Appreciation to the Hiring Manager

It’s extremely important to extend your gratitude to the hiring manager who took out the time and considered you for the job at hand. Their job description might revolve around interviewing potential candidates for the right job but they most probably spent long hours in the whole process of shortlisting your name.

In the initial stage, they must have read and examined your resume, scrolled through your Instagram profile and even sat down for an interview with you. All this hard work deserves recognition and gratitude.

If you had personally bonded with them or in case they were really impressed with you, they would have definitely gone out of their way to talk you up in front of their superiors and your rejection letter might look bad on them. A heartfelt thank you for putting in their valuable time and effort could go a long way when you have to decline a job offer to the Hiring team in the interview process for a new job or position.

For Instance; A hearty thank you for offering me the position of Marketing Manager. I have a great appreciation for your effort to take out this valuable time to consider me for this position. Thank you so much for answering so many of my questions about the company and role. I have huge respect and only best wishes for you.


I would like to extend my gratitude to you for taking my interview last week. It was great to meet the team and look at the offices. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the position of Operations Director, and I deeply appreciate this generous offer from your end.

Photo by UnlimPhotos/Wavebreakmedia

2. Give a Good, Brief Reason For Rejecting the Job Offer Gracefully

Giving a good and brief reason is a very important step of how to turn down a job offer politely. You don’t have to go overboard with it, you can go on to elaborate and give your reason in a decent length, as far as it makes sense. Especially if you’ve spent a lot of time and invested more of your resources in the interviewing process, it’s the right and respectful thing not to leave a hiring manager in the dark, wondering about why you’re declining the offered position.

With that being said, as far as the question of “How to Turn Down a Job Offer Politely” is concerned, there’s no need to go into detail about the red flags you saw when you visited the office, or to spill about the amazing perks at the job you ended up accepting, or even to moan about how you’ve spent the past week agonizing over your decision. A brief and honest reason is the best approach for not accepting the offered position and it tops the list of how to turn down an offer letter politely.

For instance; After careful consideration, I have decided to accept a position at another company as it seems to match better with my job profile.


While your offered position seems like a great opportunity for me, I have decided to pursue another role that will offer me more opportunities to pursue my interests with regard to marketing as well as social media.

How to turn down a offer letter politely
Photo by UnlimPhotos/phovoir

3. Stay in Touch Even After your Job Search Ends

In the corporate world especially in certain industries, the space is very congested and small. So the art of offering some small pleasantries before you sign off is always a good idea. If there is any event you are mutually looking forward to attending with your hiring manager in the future, you should definitely plug it in, or if not, wishing them good luck is also a decent idea after having gone through the whole process of, “How to turn down a job offer politely”.

For Instance;

Dear Mr. Khanna,

Thank you so much for the offer to work as a software engineer in your reputed company. I very much enjoyed meeting both you and the development team last week.

However, I will have to decline the offer since the position isn’t a fit with my current career goals.

I wish you the best in your search for the perfect candidate, I’m sure they will be lucky to land this amazing opportunity. I’m cheered by the possibility of working at your company some time in the future. Would you be open to connecting on LinkedIn so we can keep in touch for the same?

Best regards,


Final Note

In the corporate world, the power lies in the hands of the candidates as far as the job market is concerned. With the increase in self-initiated businesses, there is a lot of scope for employment.

This increases the chances of you stumbling upon this article on how to turn down a job offer politely, we are here at your rescue so that you don’t feel unsure about the right way to approach and navigate through the same.

Remember that If you haven’t signed a contract yet, there is absolutely no harm in backing out of a job that you accepted. Even if you have signed a contract, you may be able to get off the hook, the key being a good lawyer.



What Are the 11 Most Unique Interview Questions To Ask An Employer

It is no surprise that a job interviewer doesn’t only interview one person at a time, for one to manage to stand out among a number of Interviewees and clients, we present to you some Unique Interview Questions To Ask An Employer.

You should always keep in mind that an interview is more than just an opportunity for an interviewer to question you, it is more than that. Treat it like an opportunity to ask your hiring manager all the right questions and figure out if the job is right for you while the interviewer figures out how right you are for the job.

Your preparation should not only be inclusive of your answers to the question, they should include various queries regarding the position, department or the company that you might have since that reflects on the sincerity as well as your diligence with which you look forward to the job.

Keeping this very spirit in mind, we have come up with a set of questions that would get your interview thinking and even appreciating the enthusiasm with which you have come. While some of the questions would be right there waiting to be asked, in some cases you will have to go deeper, and dig beyond the surface with your unique questions to ask an employer regarding a number of things like the hiring process, company culture, a typical day at work, how the company measures success, company values, core values as well as the professional development opportunities that they offer.

11 Unique Interview Questions To Ask An Employer/Hiring Manager:

Q.1 How Can I Focus On My Professional Development And Be Successful In This Company?

Asking this question would show the employer how focused you are on finding success in a particular role. This is one of those unique interview questions to ask an employer that makes the hiring team a lot less worried about you failing in the particular role. Their stress regarding you taking a long time to get “up to speed,” vanishes and they become much more positive. And those are some of the biggest concerns that employers typically have about new employees.

Apart from that, this one of the unique interview questions to ask an employer also demonstrates that your agenda is not just to pay your bills and be an average performer, it reflects that you’re aiming to be the best in your career. Not to forget, any employer or hiring manager would love to see such traits in an interviewee.

It becomes relatively easy for them to find someone or at least to shortlist a couple of people with the basic skills to do a job, and they can determine that on your resume, but in the job interview, they’re looking for way more from the job seekers.

A hiring manager would ideally like to find someone who is coming in with an optimistic attitude and also thinking ahead about how to be successful for and in the company. It makes you look like someone who is going to be working hard from the very first day in your new position just after clearing the job interviews for your career advancement.

Unique Questions to ask an employer
Photo by UnlimPhotos/MilanMarkovic78

Q.2 For My Job Description, What Are Some Skills That You Are On a Lookout For?

Unlike one of the unique interview questions to ask an employer which was more future-oriented, the employer’s answer to this question focuses on and covers the area of the interview process by the hiring managers and shows that you are genuinely interested in the rest of the job candidates. It aims at getting an insight into what they’re thinking behind the scenes. It’s a very thoughtful and interesting question while also being bold. The cherry on the cake here is that not many people gather the guts to ask an interviewer such questions, therefore, it makes the interviewer stop and really think the answer through for the new job.

Q.3 Could You Mention Some Traits That Would Make Someone Not Fit For This Role?

The purpose behind asking this question is to show the employer that you are an extremely careful and thoughtful person, especially when it comes to a job hunt. It makes you not look desperate for a job and instead you come across as someone who is looking to be the right fit for their work and not just taking up the first job that is offered to you.

Q.4 What Made You Accept the Position You Are In After Your Own Job Interview?

If you get the opportunity to ask only one of the unique questions to ask an interviewer, this might just be the perfect one. There is almost no person on earth who doesn’t like to talk about themselves. This could be your window to learn more about not only the company but an employee’s personal experience of working there.

Asking creative, opinion-based questions gives you the liberty of asking the same question to multiple people in the company. Therefore, even If you meet with three employees from a company, you can ask all three about this topic without looking bad in the interview as rest assured, the experience is going to be subjective.

Q.5 If I Were To Ask a Few Of The Biggest Concerns Faced By Your Department As Of Now, What Would They Be & Why?

This question can give you a good amount of insight of what you are getting yourself into. This is thought evoking and nudges the interviewer to be honest and vocal about the downsides of working in that particular company. You would get the required information about what you are getting yourself into with this one of the unique interview questions to ask an employer.

Photo by UnlimPhotos/tsyhun

Q.6 Talking About The Internal Structure Of The Company, How Often Do People Get Promoted?

It’s extremely important for you to be aware of the structure of the company you are working at so that you know which way is upwards and where you want to put your focus

One way to follow up this one of the unique interview questions to ask an employer is by asking the interviewer, “Could you be kind enough to describe the company’s internal promotion process? I mean to understand what an employee should do if they’d like to apply for a higher role in the company, and not to forget, how are the employees able to hear about these internal opportunities?”

This sets the record straight that you are focused on landing a good job and there is no stopping you.

Q.7 What According To You Would Be The Reason Other People Failed During The Course Of This Position?

As students, we have all studied how we learn about the past in order to avoid mistakes in the future. Likewise, In your job search, it’s an amazing idea to come up with unique interview questions to ask an employer whether people have struggled in a role that you’re thinking of taking and if yes, why.

The answer that the hiring manager would give, could get you valuable information about how to succeed if you get hired, while also being a clear warning about a position with some potential red flags.

For instance, if the hiring manager complains that each person they’ve hired as yet has failed to get a hang of the required skills, it would be a smart move to ask the interviewer about the training process and how much time each person was given to learn the role.

Q.8 What Would Your Expectations From Me Be, In My First Year With The Company?

Even though you yourself might not know where you would like to see yourself in the coming five years, an employer wants to see if you’re planning to stay with the company for more than just a year

If you consider asking a question regarding what the employer hopes you’d do in the first year with them, and then about what they hope you do in the second year you would spend in the company, it could outline your journey. This journey would be inclusive of promotions as well as additional responsibilities.

This is one of the unique questions to ask an employer that would help you to know how that particular employer treats their employees beyond the initial training period and into future years.

Photo by UnlimPhotos/sergey_nivens

Q.9 If I Were To Ask You That One Thing That You’re Hoping For A New Person To Bring To This Role, What Would It Be?

This question is quite creative and interesting to ask employers. The reason is, that it shows how focused you are on the role that this company is offering you and how you want to start helping them immediately. It also shows that you are looking to be present and then bring new opportunities and a new spark of new ideas into the company rather than dragging on the ones that already exist.

If you choose this among the unique questions to ask an employer, it will quickly show the hiring manager or the recruiter how smart you are, apart from being proactive. It also differentiates you from the other candidates who they’ve seen.

Q.10 What Are The Next Steps, After This Interview And When Can I Expect To Hear Back From You?

While this might not sound as creative as some of the unique interview questions to ask an employer that is mentioned above… This is one strong question as it shows that you’re organized and interested in the role.

Moreover, this question will give you insight into what and how much to expect after the end of your interview, this way you will be so less anxious while you are waiting for the feedback.

This would make sure that you know how long to wait for after the interview, and you’ll also be ready to follow up by email if you haven’t heard back in the provided time frame.

Q.11 What Are A Few Soft Skills That Are Most Important For This Role?

It is simple to figure out the kind of hard skills that are required for a job by looking at its job description, but it is comparatively tougher to know what type of soft skills an employer wants. So It is recommended that you ask them about this topic in your interview among the many unique interview questions to ask an employer.

Or, in case the soft skills are already mentioned in the job description, you can ask a question that goes like, “I saw the job description lists a couple of soft skills that are needed for this particular position, for instance, multitasking as well excellent communication. I’m quite confident about my abilities and expertise in those particular areas, but could you share how those would be used in the position and how strength in those areas would help me perform better at my job?”

Final Note

Throughout the course of your interview, along with answering the asked questions, even intelligent and unique interview questions to ask an interviewer is a smart way of catching their attention. However, it is important for you to realize that bombarding the interviewer with Questions is not a very good idea as it might give them the wrong impression. Asking ¾ questions from the mentioned set would be a good way to go and get that job.

When an interviewee comes up with some creative and positive-never-heard-of unique interview questions to ask an employer, they stick in the interviewer’s mind and subconsciously get shortlisted or at least separated from the interviewees who give a comparatively monotonous and one-sided interview.

As you prepare for your interviews, we hope that this set of the provided questions helps you to form a list of your version of them. Asking the same question in different interviews is also a great way of comparing which company you think that you fit well in and would prefer prioritizing. Making a great impression while doing that is just another perk that comes with doing the same.



5 Best Steps For: How To Ask For a Raise At Work

When one starts working at a job, it takes them a while to understand and comprehend the functioning of the company properly but once that’s done, there are two kinds of employees in this world – one who gets a grip of the work at hand and starts to outshine among the rest of the employees and the other who is still trying to understand the company culture and the job description completely.

While the former still has some learning and understanding to do, it is time for the latter population to think of the question, “How to ask for a raise at work”, something they have been dreaming about all this while.

Putting forth this question of how to ask for a raise or even or even wondering about one leaves a person with two options – the first one is to simply ask for it and the second one is to leave the current position you are working at a better and a higher paying job.

While both of these choices ask for one to be confident in themselves and their work, they still come with a certain amount of stress and anxiety for one to actually gather the courage and ask for the same which must have brought the reader to our doorstep, confused as to “how to ask for a raise?”.

Leaving a job comes with certain risks and guts whereas working at the same place for a higher pay seems like a much more feasible and comfortable choice that is much easier to make.

This article will shed light on different ways in which one can pop the question of when is the correct time to pop this question and basics of how to ask for a raise to your employer and several extensions of the same question.

1. Make Sure to Set a Target Raise

In order to answer your question about how to ask for a raise in your salary, we would like to ask you to first focus on settling on a number that you would like to put forth to your manager. Every job in the market has some value that would give you an idea about how much you could potentially ask for.

From the national salary trends to your general knowledge through your social networking and work experience, you could make sure and get an idea of the number you should settle on and propose.

One fact that you must keep in mind to successfully find the answer to “How to ask for a raise” is while settling on a number for your salary is that it is not only your job title that affects the salary that you are getting, it is also your education, experience and other such factors that play quite a major role. This is also where your salary would differ from your counterparts as far as the figure of your salary is concerned.

In order to learn about the salary trend of your particular job title and the monetary value to understand the foundation of your work better, you should also compare the salary you are currently getting paid with the trend you have set for yourself. This comparison would help you get a better understanding of what you should be asking for and get you a better result of “How to ask for raise at work?”.

Make a list of all your accomplishments that helped you make your mark for yourself in the company, keep in mind your education, and include the points you think might come across as impressive in the same. Use statistics when talking about your achievements and then finally identify a salary range that you can give your employer to negotiate and truly achieve your motive behind googling “How to ask for a raise at work?”.

How to ask for a raise
Photos by UnlimPhotos/Wavebreakmedia

2. Schedule a Meeting For the Purpose of Asking for a Raise

In the best-case scenario and the most ideal situation to ask for a raise, you would meet your manager in person in which case you will have to work a little on your body language. You should be confident but not to an extent that it starts to come across as arrogance. In case this face-to-face is not possible due to any reason at all, you can always schedule a video call with your manager in order to discuss the same.

If you ask for a raise without setting the date for the same in the calendar first, there are chances of you coming across as a little unprofessional. Say no to asking for a raise over an email or in a common setting where you can be overheard, it’s best to talk about it in a closed-door setting so that it can stay private and it does make your manager uncomfortable and denies the purpose of searching, “how to ask for a raise in the salary?”

One of the best times to discuss your raise could be prior to your performance review, some of the questions you can put forth to your manager during that duration is, “While you review my performance, could you also make time to discuss my compensation?” Or maybe a more direct question like, “I would like to discuss my compensation with you, could you please make time in your schedule for the same?”.

It’s best if the manager has a slight inkling about your wish to discuss your Compensation or raise with them and is not startled by your request. Remember to ask for a raise with the same seriousness you had given the job interview in the very beginning of your job.

Dress more formally, as if you were to do an important presentation on that day even if your office is okay with slightly casual dressing. As sometimes your clothes can also portray the seriousness with which you are looking forward to the conversation along with your words.

3. Start With Your Compensation Request

At the very beginning of the conversation, you should set the purpose of it clear by stating it in a professional manner instead of beating around the bush and wasting both your and your manager’s time.

This also portrays how serious you really are about this conversation and there are more chances of the manager not taking it lightly either and actually considering your request according to the market value.

You can open up with a statement like, “I would like to extend my gratitude to you for meeting with me. Working with this company has been a great experience for me and I am most definitely looking forward to achieving more goals for the company and growing along with it.

Owing to the same, can we discuss my salary?” Or something more general like, “I am thrilled to share some of my recent accomplishments with you and also discuss the pay increase that I am going to get alongside, does right now feel like a good time?”.

How your manager responds to these questions would show if he/she is into the conversation or not. Either way, you shouldn’t lose hope and keep control over the conversation. If they seem open to having this conversation, you can follow up with the specifics and let him or them know your expectations according to the research we were talking about before.

A pro tip that would most certainly help you out throughout your pitch is to avoid using words like- believe, think, feel, and more. These would undercut your current position and make you sound a little underconfident also.

You should make it a point to confidently put your point across with utmost certainty as the same would eventually reflect on to your manager. While having this conversation make sure you truly believe that you deserve this request that you are putting forward and asking for a raise in your salary and put your point across with strong words.

Photo by UnlimPhotos/stokkete

4. How to Ask for a Raise- Expectations and Negotiations

To answer your question about “How to ask for a raise in your salary at work” we would like to drift your focus on the aspect that if you have put forth your request to the manager at a good enough time and followed it with impressive accomplishments, you can expect your manager to give it thoughtful consideration. With good evidence of how you deserve to be paid more, your manager would most definitely think about the same and reward you accordingly.

They could also ask you a few follow-up questions to know in detail about all the accomplishments that you must have mentioned to them to do their part of the research for before asking for a raise in salary.

As a result of the same, you can expect there to be some negotiations from their side. You should listen very carefully to the response of your manager and if he/she starts to intimidate you at any point you always have your strengths and accomplishments to fall back on.

You should make it a point to ask your own questions to better understand where your manager is coming from, always ask the senior, “Can you  further stress upon this point?” To understand better and don’t shy away from asking questions. Or to clear things out and to confirm that your thought process is going in the right direction start your questions with, “What I’m hearing is…” to create a more comprehensive workplace.

An example of the negotiation that you might have in order to accomplish the purpose of the google search of “how to ask for a raise?” with the manager is as follows;

Manager: I would like to begin by acknowledging your contribution to the company and by thanking you for the overview of the journey that you have had with us. However, it is not a good time for us to provide you with a raise of X percentage.

Employee: Thank you for taking out the time to discuss this with me. However, I would like to assure you that I have put forth this request to you after careful research according to which, X percent is a reasonable increase and it also aligns with my contribution to the company. Could you please brief me on why this raise is not possible at the moment?

Manager: I am not denying the hard work you have put into this company, however, the amount is not something we can afford right now. We could consider such a rise in the coming future, keeping your contribution towards the company in mind.

Employee: What I am hearing is that you are in agreement with my request for a raise, it is just not possible at the moment. That makes sense. Could you please let me know how and when I should put forward this request in the coming future?

This would assure you that your employer will keep your request in his/her mind and consider it as and when the time seems more feasible for the company. Your confidence and consideration towards the company would also put you in the good books of the manager, it could be an excellent way of leaving your mark.

5. Battling with Rejection

Whenever we are about to take any big step in our life, the possibility of it happening and the possibility of it not happening both seem equally probable in our heads. The first task is to search for the right way of “how to ask for a raise”, the second is truly to gather the courage to ask the same by keeping aside the negative thoughts and self criticism and if you go through these successfully, then you are already a winner.

In case your request for a pay raise gets denied don’t be disheartened, thank your manager for hearing you out and for at least considering your request. Ask them questions like, “Which skills or achievements should i focus more on accomplishing according to you?” , “Should we have this conversation at a better time in the future?” Or “Are you satisfied with my work ethic?” To get a better idea of where you and your request stands.

You shouldn’t stress about your request to ask for a raise getting rejected since it’s very normal to have this conversation with your employer. In a recent survey, it was claimed that only about 19% of the working population is satisfied with their salary, the rest of them find it hard to gather the courage and ask for it.

Give yourself a pat on the back for having the courage to have done it and ask your employer if not a pay raise, can they at least provide you with any other incentives or if they offer, you can consider settling for a lower percentage than you asking for a raise.

Photo by UnlimPhotos/sergey_nivens

Things to Remember:

• One question that would most often than not pop up in your head when you are in two minds about actually going through the whole process of asking for that pay raise is, “Is this the right time?”.

As a considerate employee one needs to keep in mind the financial situation of the company you are working at and if there are any cutbacks and layoffs that they are keeping at the back of their mind, this can be achieved by taking a peak at the financial reports of the company.

You can check out the attached video for more ideas on the same topic-

• Apart from this, also focus on the workload and pressure that your manager is under, your journey as an employee and how successful you have been with the tasks you have been challenged with, and more such aspects before wondering about how to ask for a raise. As this is a situation that can go either way, you need to keep yourself prepared for both the best and the worst-case scenarios.

Final Note

After you have been asking for a raise, no matter how good, bad or in whichever direction the conversation went you should end it with a thank you, by showing gratitude to your manager/employer.

You can also follow up the conversation you had with him/her along with an email regarding the same conversation with mentioned reasons and facts that support your request for a raise in your salary.

This helps the manager in charge to put the same points forward if they are actually considering giving a raise to you and they can also check with the people they wish to about the same.

Worst case scenario, if your request is denied you can refer to the same email and get in touch with your employer and if it is again denied, then dear reader it might just be the time to take a risk and look for a better and a higher paying job that truly values the hard work of their employee.

Don’t forget to keep a lookout for a number of jobs and also apply to them but maintain your focus on your particular area of interest as well as expertise, something you can see yourself doing a few years down the line, as that would eventually reflect in your performance.


7 Best Answers To “Why Are You Interested In This Position”

The most basic and common question that would be asked to you no matter which job you apply for, and is a given to prepare for is Why are you interested in this position. One needs to keep in mind that because it’s common, it does not necessarily make it not important enough. The commonality only guarantees one thing, that the interviewer is aware of all the answers in the book and all the stories under the sun, therefore, you need to be very creative and personal in your approach to answer this very question.

This question of why are you interested in this position might seem to have a very obvious answer as most people opt for any job for the sole purpose of being employed and to make money.

So in such a scenario, Questions like why are you interested in this position can seem unnecessary however as and when you provide a detailed answer that reflects your passion for the job, the chance for you to be considered for the same increases in your next interview if the job fits your skill set and what you are searching for.

Throughout the course of this article, you will get to read different ways of answering this question of why are you interested in this position which allows you to choose the one that is the closest to your thought process and personality and give it a personal touch in framing the best answer to your interview questions in your search for a new job.

A good answer to this otherwise common question would make the interviewer take you more seriously and they might actually consider you for the position that you have applied for.

1. Understand the Job Description

In order to answer the question of why you are interested in a particular job, it is extremely significant for one to look over the job description and to try and understand it to the best of their ability.

Having a look at all the qualities they are searching for in an employee could prove to be really helpful in framing answers like why are you interested in this position for the particular position you are applying for as you would come to know what it is that the employer is looking for, if it fits your skill set and reflect the same in your answer through the job description.

Having a good understanding of the job and its description would be of great help for you to not only align and frame your answer accordingly but it would also be helpful for you to figure out what matches your true interests and qualities and then really play on your strengths, referring to the same.

It would make the interviewer feel that you are truly the right fit for the job and your qualities would stand to be highlighted in comparison to the other candidates who might also be as talented and passionate but don’t fit the position that well in front of you because of your professional goals.

Why are you interested in this position
Photo by UnlimPhotos/MilanMarkovic78

2. Research Well

While preparing for any position or job that you wish to bag, doing your research beforehand is extremely significant as it helps you frame not one question like why are you interested in this position but each and every question that would be thrown your way.

Every question that you come across can be handled in a way that it is aligned with your research regarding the company. It will provide you with a much cleaner and clearer image of how the company you wish to be a part of functions and if you really want to go through with the whole process.

A very important factor here can also be filtering certain keywords that you can use to frame your answers and tailor them accordingly. This would make the interviewer feel like you are a part of the same clan and that you could eventually fit in the company the way they wish for you too.

Apart from getting to know the whole functioning of the company, one also gets a window to understand and comprehend the culture of the very company, its short term as well as long term goals as well as the strategies that the particular company focuses on making it its strength.

The company website would have in-depth information about how it was founded and how it is right now. The people that have worked in that company from the very start might have also shared their stories on their site which can prove to be an inspiration for you and will you help you in answering the job interview question of why are you interested in this position at hand.

3. Explore Beyond What Meets the Eyes

Even though doing your research beforehand and going through the face of the company, like their website, is extremely important, one needs to go beyond that to truly reflect how passionate you are about getting a certain job during the job interview to your hiring managers.

After you have read and come across all the stories of the company leaders and the success story or even the growth of the company, you can also keep your focus on how they are viewed beyond their company.

When we say beyond the company and the job interview question, it is regarding how the particular company is viewed in the eyes of the media or the total media coverage and therefore the rest of the world.

Any company would put their best image on their website and cover the most formal of all the aspects that they have covered since the time they have come into existence, bringing us all the way back to why are you interested in this position. It is extremely significant in times like these to go through the different and various platforms that they have a good presence on.

You could get a good understanding of the research media coverage that is on the internet or in the newspaper. To go beyond that, you could also get to focus more on the press releases that the company had indulged in, in the past and focusing to indulge in, in the coming days.

Photo by UnlimPhotos/tsyhun

4. Focus on Networking

When you have done your research well enough beforehand you start to have a good understanding of the functioning of that particular company and the kind of people who they employ and consider good for their company you can surround yourself with them.

Getting to know the right people who might be known to you owing to your current position could be of good help to you as forming the connections can be of huge help in not only getting a job but it also helps in crossing the first step which is to get to know of the career opportunities that exist in your specific area of interests or expertise.

Such networks can prove to be of great help if not in bagging a particular position then to at least form more connections, in front of the hiring manager during the job interview.

This gives you a good chance to look out for networks that overlap with the company that you are interested in and it could be of benefit to you for finding out an easier way to reach out to that particular position and make it more tangible for yourself.

As there is not a single particular place for you to bump into such people, you need to keep your horizons and options open and also prepare an answer to explain this to them as well that why are you interested in this position.

It’s important to surf the internet and it would be of great help to surf different social media platforms and then find the right people to get to know and network with. You can start by listing people’s names who you think would be of help to you and then reach out to them whenever it feels best.

5. Have a Clear Idea of your Career Path

Apart from “Why are you interested in this Position” another very common question that pops in almost every interview and one which requires an extremely clear-cut answer is “Where do you see yourself or your career in a few years?”

This is one job interview question that should always have a very clear answer in your head as it would eventually help you to not only answer the question that you are being asked, better but also to get a clear idea of the future you want to have and if it even aligns with the company you are applying to work within the front of the hiring manager for your dream job and to achieve your career goals.

You can also drive your attention towards what are the roles that you need to focus on to get where you want to or wish to in the coming 5 years of your role and if this particular company that you are searching for the answer to, “why are you in interested in this position” is even offering that to you.

You need to have a very clear idea of the same so that it in a way starts to reflect in all of your answers and not only that but it could also start to translate your passion into your answers.

Do follow the same trajectory of roles to reach your dream position as that would be the stepping stone to the destination you eventually want to reach within your career goals.

6. Give a Few Examples to your Hiring Manager

The Hiring Manager or Recruiter who is in charge of interviewing you is the first person that you need to impress and make sure you are in the good books of. To impress someone like that, it is important to know what the job entails so that its easier to give instances and examples from your everyday life, how you are open to new challenges in an organization, and its benefits.

Cover your past experiences, how you would bring benefits to the organization and the team with your skills, and prove to be a good match in comparison to the other applicants as well as your success stories during these job interviews.

This is so that it not only gives a personal touch to your answers but it would also to some extent, show how serious and passionate you are as a person for them to hear your skills through the phone if it’s a telephonic interview.

Also, talk about your technical skills, current job if any, and come up with your own answer that might impress the interviewer or hiring manager of the organization and the team with more leadership and teamwork-oriented stories to start considering you for the job at hand for the to hear it loud and clear by listening to you talk about how excited you are for this to happen to your career.

These examples could be inclusive of the reputation of the company that you are applying for then be it an accounting position or anything else that has elaborate and specific products and services that appeal the most to you on a personal and professional level, talk about the very culture of the company that drives you and makes you excited to be a part of it.

The company’s mission, company’s culture, what lacks in your current job in the current company and get inspired from there to write an answer for why are you interesting in this position or one that you think you would be able to contribute to the most and line your career trajectory during your interview with your skills.

These examples could also be as simple as the mentions of the company leaders that could prove to be a good answer for “why are you interested in this position” , moreover, such mentions are easier to find just by going through the website of the company in a good enough manner it also shows how excited you are to be a part of them for the growth of your career with your skills.

Photo by UnlimPhotos/MilanMarkovic

7. Story Behind a Job Interview and Hiring Managers

One aspect that you need to keep in mind while answering any of the interview questions is that your interviewer is the only person interviewing you but you are most certainly not the only person they are interviewing as they are a number of job seekers in this job search. Therefore, you need to stand out and prove to be the right fit for the job in each and every question that is thrown your way for your career growth.

They most probably would have heard every story under the sun so it is of extreme significance to come up with an answer that is more personal, creative, and reflective of everything that you would be offering to the particular company you are seeking a job in and you can prepare an example answer or any sample answers for a better approach towards the interview to avoid many common mistakes and to have clear final thoughts.

From answering questions that an employer or an interviewer asks like “Why are you interested in this position” to all the cliche questions that are asked in each and every job that you apply for, each and everything needs to be filtered and tailored according to what you think is needed and required during your interview.  Aligning one’s answers and framing them according to the need of the hour is a very important quality that is required in an interviewee.

You need to keep in mind that they would only consider you for the job if you prove to be an asset to their company, are an admirer of their company culture, and are a big fan of the products and services that they are offering to their customers and that you are not just another one of the job seekers on a job search pretending to be someone they are not for a job offer for the sake of your career.

During the course of your interview and just to tailor an answer to why are you interested in this position. but are genuinely interested in that particular position because of your skills.

Final Note

This journey of finding an answer to, “Why are you interested in this position” helped you visit a number of answers in the form of sceneries that we got to visit on our way. This makes us realize how important the simple and the most common things in life are and how they play the role of a stepping stone in order to make your story successful, therefore, they need to be prepared for.

Keep in mind that there would be a number of candidates applying for the same job which is why you will have to focus on coming up with a unique answer so that they don’t consider you as someone who is just applying to a bunch of similar positions.

One wrong answer might in all honesty spoil your chances of standing a chance or even being considered for a particular position. Even though almost nobody would have wanted to be employed for the mere fun of it and that you are applying for it only to make more money and wouldn’t do it if there was no money in the picture, it doesn’t make a good answer, this being the reason such answers need to be avoided.

Focus more on why you opted for that job among the number of other areas you could have chosen and you would be able to come up with a much better, clear, and great answer.

Top 10 Teacher Interview Questions

The job of a teacher can be one of the most nerve-wracking yet just as rewarding and heartwarming ones on the planet. From passing down all the valuable experiences to the bookish knowledge that is a little restricted to the four walls of a classroom, all this responsibility lies on the shoulders of a teacher and this article comprises the best top 10 teacher interview questions and answers.

Much like interviewing for any other job on the face of this earth, prior research about the institution and subject is mandatory for teacher interviews. That’s not all, just as most teachers suggest one to practice before each test, this is the time for them to practice what they truly preach or in this scenario, teach.

One thing that the Interviewee needs to keep in their mind for this formal interview is that they would not only be dealing with younger students but also their parents at the same time. This job requires both commitment and patience along with the intuition needed to know when and where to draw the line between their personal and professional life.

Throughout the course of this article, you would be acquainted with a number of questions that you might or might not have thought of while figuring out what you would be asked for while giving your interviews, but we are here at your rescue.

This would take you on a journey where you would come face to face with all that is expected of you and you will also get some teacher interview tips and interview questions along with their example answer on the way that is outside your teaching resume.

Below we have mentioned some of the most common teacher interview questions that one must have answers to. Any applicant must go through them all and prepare their answers accordingly to win the heart of the interviewer and to convince them to interview them for the position keeping a child’s education in mind along with their ability to handle a troubling student, or difficult student by fulfilling their teaching duties and to integrate technology and technical skills by adapting to different learning styles.

10 Most Common Teacher Interview Questions:

Q1. Why Do You Want to Become a Teacher?

The most asked and the must have a good answer to the question, is common across all jobs as to why exactly do they want to apply to the specific position or a job. As an extension of being the most asked question, the number of stories one must have heard owing to the same is a given.

An interviewer must have heard about everything under the sun in the interview questions, as an answer to such question, hence, it is very important for a person to come up with a unique and personal answer to stand out from all the other candidates applying for the same job.

Instead of a simple “I love to help people learn” think deeper and try to come up with something original that you are certain about that would be quite unheard of.

Reflect on why you truly want to become a teacher and draw an answer from your personal experiences to make them sound more genuine and reflective of your passion. A heartfelt and real answer would be the best way to go and try to make your answer less general and more specific.

Example Answer– As a student, I was an introvert who would feel very anxious every time it was my turn to read or solve a question on the board. All I hoped was for a teacher who would be understanding of my condition and help me outgrow it somehow. I did have such teachers who really helped me outshine myself and become the confident person that I am today.

Due to the same, I wish to have a teaching job to look out for every single student and whether they are in need of extra attention or less of the same, I want to be able to figure it out and do the same for them.

Teacher interview questions and answers
Photo by UnlimPhotos/kasto

Q.2 Why Did You Choose This Specific Institution to Teach in?

Another very commonly asked question in most interviews is also asked as one of the common teacher interview questions. One can also use it as the perfect example of how practicing and researching for something beforehand comes in handy.

Your interviewer in such a scenario is genuinely curious about your preference and why you chose their institution to interview in as they also get an outside perception of their work and how it’s perceived and viewed in the teaching interview through the teacher interview questions.

You need to genuinely reflect your enthusiasm and will to work for a particular institution in your answer because you need to convince your interviewer here and prove to them that you are not just a job seeker who is sending out resumes each and everywhere but you are genuinely interested in the job you are interviewing for.

When someone has very specific answers that are altered according to the interview questions and that answer every single detail that is required, it shows how well prepared and excited they are for that job.

Example Answer– For a long time I have been searching for schools that have the same beliefs and outlook towards education as myself and in this school district, your institution is the closest to what I have been looking for. I believe that when two like-minded substances would meet they could give life to a successful and developed entity that would lead to the progress of the school, the students as well as the teacher in more than just one aspect of life.

The student-teacher ratio that you have allows for personalized education and it also reflects on how involved the staff is with helping the students prosper and that’s what motivates you more to apply for a teaching job and get a teaching interview and answer teacher interview questions.

Q3. What is Your Teaching Philosophy?

Just like the reader trying to prepare for the common teacher interview questions, the teachers try to prepare their students for the life that awaits them outside the four walls of the classroom and that could be defined as your teaching Philosophy. Interviewers look for the quality of letting a student be and help him/her reach their individual potential to the fullest.

They look for people who are not going to push students only towards a good academic score but encourage their own personal growth and really help them develop. In short, they should focus more on the growth of their students rather than their personal interests, professional growth, and achievements in their teaching style.

Q4. As a Teacher, What Would You Offer to the Institution?

This is very pretty straightforward yet again a very commonly asked question that is not limited to just teacher interview questions but goes beyond it. This is also the perfect opportunity for you to shine as an individual and flaunt your talents that are not restricted to just teaching. Take this moment to talk about all the things that you plan to do once you get to work your dream job as a teacher in your preferred institution.

This is your moment to talk about all the activities that you have participated in and that seem fit for the institution you are applying to. Every game or exercise could easily help a student. All the teachable moments that you can think of beyond the realms of a book, something that would give rise to more creativity among students is the preferable way to go about things and that is what your answer to teacher interview questions should comprise for.

You can also talk about how you would let your students be the person they are instead of criticizing their every move. Also, talk about how you could use positive reinforcement on your students and make them understand things with the help of examples when they are going in the wrong direction.

Example answer– I love nature and I am a strong believer in how a field trip and getting acquainted with nature can help one broaden their horizon and pick up things faster than a student would inside the four walls.

I love to explore and know the right places to check out for specific instructions and how much they can influence a student’s behavior not only in the classroom but also otherwise. It has the ability to calm them down and be more patient towards learning and growing, so you must mention it during the teaching interview.


Photo by UnlimPhotos/kasto

Q5. In a Classroom Setting, What Would You Find The Most Frustrating?

To expose oneself and share what truly ruffles your feathers seems to be a vague move, if not for the interview. This allows the interviewer to know how you would behave in certain classroom situations. The best way to answer this question is to take the help of certain past experiences and explain how you have dealt with them before even though they might have frustrated you to a huge extent.

Make sure that even though the situation you are putting across is relevant to teaching and can happen to a teacher in a classroom setting even though it’s personal and you might not have experience as a teacher in the interview questions from before. However, you need to remember that you should only refer to the positives within you as you are convincing somebody to employ you.

Remember to use instances in which you have successfully solved the issue at hand instead of one that you are still facing and figuring out or something you couldn’t find a solution for.

Example Answer– Very Honestly speaking, when a student behaves like they are at school as a favor to the faculty and not for their own better, it doesn’t go down very well with me. However, over time I have learned to use that frustration to the best of my ability and turn it into a challenge.

Instead of giving into that attitude that quite a few teachers do and then later regret, I have started to understand that they behave in such a way to protect themselves and it is their defense mechanism in face of things that happen outside school.

The best way to deal with them is to provide them with a little love, attention, and care and show them that you believe in them as that is honestly all they are looking for in a teacher interview, like in this example answer.

Q6. How Do You Handle Feedback?

While answering this teacher interview question one must keep in mind that teachers are supposed to have a growth-oriented mindset and should be welcoming of criticism and feedback. It is extremely important for them to welcome feedback and also showcase the same in their approach.

This can be a problem for veteran teachers as they might not be as welcoming of feedback due to the experience that they have. In order to answer one of the interview questions, you must draw from your personal experience where you got negative feedback but you took it in the right spirit.

Q7. Tell Me About a Time When You Led a Team and Solved a Problem.

While interviewing you must keep in mind that teaching is a job where you need to keep a number of people satisfied. These are not only students or their parents but the aides, staff as well as other teachers are also people that you need to gel and work well with.

Therefore, an interviewer wishes to know if you would be able to work with so many people happily and conveniently. While answering this question, you can always go back to your past experiences and without fear give an instance about the time you faced a problem during teamwork.

As long as you walk the interviewer while answering the teacher interview questions through how you overcame the issue at hand like this example answer, the interviewer would be impressed and content with your answer.

You must reflect professionalism and patience throughout your answer in the teaching interview along with the zest to make students succeed and learn critical thinking with your teaching strategies and to support students, even difficult students with their teaching methods and ability to cultivate positive relationships.

Q8. Walk Me Through a Lesson, Just As You Would In a Classroom?

This can be a little stressful as no matter how many times you must have played a teacher while playing with your friends and siblings during childhood, this can be a little nerve-wracking.

The interviewer is not necessarily looking for accuracy in your lesson planning and how you keep the students engaged with your lesson plans of a typical lesson would be, it is more about how planned, ready, and enthusiastic you are about the lesson plans according to the school’s philosophy.

This is one of the teaching interview questions that might require more preparation and planning than an ordinary interview question, especially if you don’t have past experience as a teacher. If you don’t have an example lesson plan from a prior role try to whip one up before this interview.

You can start by giving out details of how the scenario would be from the very beginning to the end and don’t forget to cover the reason why you chose to go with that specific approach and be open to questions from the interviewer. Another change that you can bring about in such a scenario is to introduce the changes that you would do to your pre-existing lesson plan if any.

Q.9 What is Your Idea of Classroom Management?

Learning and imparting knowledge is the primary goal for every teacher and that can be easily disrupted when students shout, don’t pay attention in class, refuse to study, are disrespectful, and take away the entire class’s focus from studying. In such a scenario, all eyes are on the teacher to handle the situation and keep the students attentive and focused on learning and creativity, especially in these teaching interview questions.

The teacher interview questions are inclusive of such classroom problems and the ideal way to handle these is to be understanding of the students and their behavior. Instead of getting to know the students as a whole on a class level, the focus should be on getting to know them better as individuals. It’s important for one to build a rapport with them and bond with the students, have trust in them and also support them in their endeavors so that they feel heard and understood.

A few other ideas that your answer to the teacher interview question should comprise of is to practice patience along with rational detachment. A teacher needs to be able to stay calm and take care of students on her/his own while also being able to practice and figure out their pattern so as to not fall in a similar trap again. They need not take things personally and instead try to see beyond the exterior behavior of a student in a class during the teaching interview.

Photo by UnlimPhotos/uflypro

Q10. Do You Want to Ask Any Questions?

This is another one of the very commonly asked teaching interview questions during all interviews let alone being one of the teacher interview questions. Even though it can be considered one of the easiest questions to answer, it is also something that a person should be well prepared for.

To not ask any questions could come across as disinterest as the lack of curiosity is not always appreciated. One must always be active and come up with thoughtful questions to ask the interviewer that can also be about their roles and responsibilities during the teacher interview questions.

If you can come up with questions that are regarding the specific position or role you are applying for then it would be very impressive for the researcher as they would get to see the research that you have done for the position you are applying for in your teaching career for the teaching position to motivate students with your teaching skills.

Example Answer– What are the extracurricular activities that the institution is famous for? What is the student-to-teacher ratio? Any specific questions regarding your position as well as subject.

All About a Teaching Interview.

As we have already covered, Teaching comes with a ton of commitment, responsibility as well as stress but it at the same time is a very rewarding job. One has the power to not only stay informed about the kind of thought process that different people have and how subjective it is, but they also have the power to shape and influence the same.

A teacher can help her students grow and learn about the world that might normally seem far-fetched to them with their teaching skills.

As far as teacher interview questions are concerned, they are inclusive of everything from the common job interview questions like “Why do you think you are the right fit for this job” to more subjective, behavioral, and situational teacher interview questions that would range from how would it be working with children to dealing with their parents.

Your answers to teacher interview questions should comprise of how your philosophy goes beyond the domain of the classroom where you just teach in front of the blackboard.

Check out the attached video to prepare for more such questions-

Final Note

Apart from all the already mentioned questions, behavioral and situational questions are also very significant when it comes to teacher interviews as the interviewer tries to understand how a particular person would react and behave in a specific scenario. As one is dealing with a younger generation in this job, to have the correct behavior is of utmost significance.

It’s very crucial to stay abreast of all kinds of questions during the interview as when it comes to teaching, the questions are not limited but have a very broad range. All kinds of questions are asked as there are too many people to impress and to stay in good books of. However, we truly hope that this article was of help to you to prepare you for your upcoming teacher interview questions.

All those who envision their future as teachers should be well versed in the fact that their job would not be limited to just teaching in the domains of the classroom, it is a never-ending job that requires one to be willing to offer these resources to the students as well as their parents.

Another fact about the job is that even with the stress that comes with the job when the students extend their gratitude for all the knowledge a teacher has imparted, all the tension and stress start to melt off.


8 Best Paying Jobs in Finance Sector

There are two kinds of people in the world they say, the first category belongs to the people who are good at maths and the second to those who are not. If you are somebody who falls in the former category and are friends with the numbers, a job in finance would be perfect for you and we are here to acquaint you with the Best Paying Jobs In Finance Sector with the help of this article.

With good communication skills and median annual salary and by handling financial operations of financial organizations in the bureau of labor statistics, one can make good use of their bachelor’s degree as well as master’s degree.

As few of the highest paying finance jobs in the government agencies are offered according to the financial models in the financial services companies to the financial professionals, the personal finance according to the financial models is taken care of by the budget analysts and financial manager in investment banking.

1. Manager of Finance – One of the Best Finance Jobs

Working as a Manager of Finance is a career that is very high in demand and has the responsibility of a company’s financial health resting on its shoulders. Over 23,000 people are hired every month in this particular career path, its high demand makes the job all the more secure and a good choice to go with as far as investment banking is concerned in the investment companies.

Overseeing the different aspects of a company and helping the employees in their role towards financial transactions that are inclusive of budget calculations and analysis as well as staffing and purchasing decisions. The job requires the employee to put their skills and bachelor’s degree to use in every single area of the company’s functioning as the best paying jobs in finance sector.

The responsibility that comes with the job is to create financial reports as well as strategies for the growth of an organization. A Manager of Finance builds long-term goals for the company and works hard towards the development of the same. The job has an outlook and growth of about 17% and it offers an average salary of ₹99,64,099.46/ $134,180 and is one of the best paying jobs in the finance sector.

Best Paying jobs in Finance
Photo by UnlimPhotos/SHOTPRIME

2. Personal Financial Advisor

As a Financial Advisor, one makes use of their expertise, experiences as well as learning to offer their clients advice in every sphere of life. From investments, savings, retirement, taxes, estate planning to personal budgeting, it covers it all. They are one’s perfect financial planning partner and have one of the highest paying jobs, they look out for their clients in the money matters.

The outlook of this job is however not a lot, it is just 5% which makes it much slower than the rest of the career paths. Their average salary is about ₹66,43,981.28/$89,330. As an educator of the finances, the primary job is to make the client understand and plan their way to their future goals regarding their financial institution as the financial advisors and private banking analyst to take care of the hedge fund in private equity in public and private groups in corporate finance as one of the best paying jobs in the finance sector.

For one to bag an entry-level position, the ideal course for them to choose is a bachelor’s in finance or in accounting. The step-by-step process for one to move up their rank would be acquiring a master’s degree in finance and an MBA would be a cherry on the top. It would make you a skilled professional with the right license to offer financial advice.

3. Accountant in Investment Banks

With the major responsibility of interpreting and maintaining financial records, an account works towards a wide range of tasks that are related to finance for everyone owning huge organizations to small business owners or even individuals. These highest paying finance jobs are in utter need of individuals who have good knowledge about problem-solving and go beyond the requirement of just knowing numbers.

One of the major responsibilities of an accountant is to make sure that the tax information of a company and an individual is properly done and is as accurate as it could be. This is all worth it when one is offered an average salary of 54,70,804.32/$73,560 for the hard work that they put in.

The three primary types of accountants are as follows;

1. Public Accountants

2. Government Accountants

3. Management Accountants

If one chooses to go into this field of accounting they need to be prepared to not have two minutes to breathe during the tax season as that is most often the busiest. They are expected to work hard during this season which is usually from the month of April and many people end up working overtime, owing to the same as the best-paying jobs in the finance sector.

4. Financial Examiner

With a job outlook that faces an 18% growth which is much faster than quite a few career paths that lie in the same domain, the average salary of a financial examiner is ₹60,56,274.82/$81,430 and is one of the best paying jobs in the finance sector.

From making sure that financial institutions like the bank are in regular compliance with the laws that govern them to ensuring the financial as well as real estate transactions adhere to their rules also, the Financial examiner takes care of it all.

The responsibility of keeping the institutions of finance, for instance, banks, legally compliant lies with the Financial Examiner. This stands true for the complying in all of their transactions as well as operations. They overlook everything that comes under this particular section and ensures the smooth functioning of the same.

Moreover, Financial examiners are also the ones held responsible as far as risk management is concerned. They work towards ensuring that the loans that are offered by financial institutions are safe and as an extension, to also oversee if banks have enough resources for them to smoothly manage unexpected losses and sail through them without any hesitation in the best paying jobs in the finance sector.

The two areas they work in are as follows;

1. Risk assessment

2. Consumer compliance.

Photo by UnlimPhotos/Wavebreakmedia

5. Financial Managers and Analysts

To manage and coordinate the different aspects of accounting and finances is what is highlighted in the job description of a financial Analyst. Not only that, for them to be good at their job they need to take on the responsibility for the conduction of an in-depth analysis of credit, revenue as well as expenses. For people who are detail-oriented and also in analyzing data with creativity and innovation, this is one of the highest paying jobs among all finance jobs and they would be a dream.

It is one of the best finance jobs in the financial firms for investment bankers, with the Job outlook facing a 6% growth which is just as much as the average, the job opportunities are not more or less than the ordinary career path, it is just the same. They are offered an average salary of ₹62,23,551.06/$83,660 for maintaining and analyzing the finances as one of the best paying jobs in the finance sector.

Staying abreast and aware of all the economic trends is an ideal requirement in order to advise businesses as well as clients regarding the best way to invest along with diversifying their money. Along with that, assessing the value of a company as well as its financial prospects and risks is a key requirement in the job description of a Financial Analyst as it is one of the best paying jobs in the finance sector.

6. Management Analyst in Financial Services Firms

A Management Analyst or a management consultant thrives to increase and smoothen a company’s efficiency with their role. Not only that, but they also work very hard towards examining and finding out the problems the company is currently facing and could be facing in the future. They go through the records of the company, analyze them and cancel out the ineffective procedures and then and then develop solutions to improve on the same in the investment bank making it one of the best paying jobs in the finance sector.

With an average much higher than most career paths, the job outlook and growth is about 14%. A bachelor’s in finance is the basic requirement for this job, but a CMC certification can also make an individual a better competitor and also job-ready. They have an average salary of ₹65,20,549.65/$87,660 to work as a management analyst and also manage labor statistics and equity capital markets.

As the veteran management analyst Alexander Lowry once said, “Management consultants help organizations solve issues, create value, maximize growth and improve business performance”. Proposing innovative and creative ways to improve the efficiency and working of a company, working towards the reduction of unnecessary costs, and also maximizing profit and work productivity is all a part and parcel of one’s job as a management analyst or as some call, a management consultant which is one of the best paying jobs in finance sector.

7. Loan Officer

From evaluating and authorizing the approval of a business to evaluate the financial status of a loan applicant, a loan officer handles the responsibility of it all. Not only that, his duties are inclusive of updating account records as well as reviewing files that are loan-related. They also work for a number of credit unions, mortgage companies as well as credit unions with hedge funds as the hedge fund managers.

With a job outlook that faces only a 1% growth that brings little or no change and an average salary of ₹47,57,287.24/$63,960. A number of loan officers and investment bankers from different areas earn several thousand more each and every passing year through the bonuses and commissions they get.

The Loan officers evaluate as well as authorize the approval of a loan for both businesses as well as individuals by using a process called underwiring. One very interesting fact and something people who are planning to go into this field should know about is that they pay dramatically varies in accordance to the division of work at a place. This subjectivity in pay depends on the role a person plays and if that is of a; Consumer loan Officer or a Commercial loan Officer.

Best paying jobs in finance sector
Photo by UnlimPhotos/nateemee

8. Budget Analyst in Financial Institutions

The responsibility of a budget Analyst is to help and work with the public as well as private institutions such as government agencies along with universities in order to organize their finances. Their responsibility, however, doesn’t end there, they are also responsible for making sure that the accuracy of the budget proposal as financial managers is high while also being compliant with the laws, rules, and regulations.

With a job outlook that reflects a 5% growth which is a little slower than the average, and with an average salary of ₹58,73,322.68/$78,970, the job of a Budget Analyst is a tricky one that requires work according to a particular time and season keeping in mind the hedge funds as the hedge fund managers.

The majority of the time of a budget analyst goes into analyzing results, preparing proposals for spending cuts, making budget plans, compiling annual reports, and the redistribution of financial resources. They also review the budget history and tend to study the financial changes that have happened during the course of the existence of their client and have one of the highest-paying jobs. A budget analyst has an extremely reliable and up to database as well as efficient financial tools.

Final Note

Through the course of this article, we have gotten to know about the works and functioning of a number of jobs in the field of finance that somebody with an interest in this particular career path can pursue. A career in this field wouldn’t only match your interests but would prove to be the best choice you could possibly make.

From investment bankers, personal financial advisors, financial managers, financial analysts, financial data in financial firms and financial services industry all the highest paying jobs with private equity firms are offered in the financial sector and in investment banks by the chief financial officer incorporate and software organizations and credit risk analysts in public and private institutions.



Top 6 Amazing Human Services Jobs

If you are someone with the passion of helping the needy and being the knight in shining armor to any and everybody, Human Services Jobs is the perfect career path for you. In such jobs you work hard day and night for the welfare of the community, your perseverance guarantees an improvement in the living conditions of the families around you that might not even be acquainted with you on a personal level.

The field of jobs that come under the Human Services Jobs is very challenging yet at the same time a rewarding career path. Choosing this particular path would open a number of doors to you that require your contribution to grow and reach your full potential.

The different work settings that come under the broad umbrella of human services jobs for human service assistants are inclusive of institutions like schools, clinics, community centers, businesses as well as all government offices to provide the needy with personal care services after going through the labor statistics.

Through the course of this article, we would take you on a journey to make you witness all the paths you can choose to cross as a graduate with a human services degree or any other degree that supports the respective career field to get into human services jobs.

From a substance abuse counselor to providing social and human service while being able to find personal care services, community services, and handling support groups, social service workers provide appropriate resources and rehabilitation services by working with the national organizations by helping their clients navigate their way. They provide assistance networks to people coming from low-income families and even homeless people with no temporary or permanent housing.

You will be made aware of the wide scope this particular career path possesses and the number of fields that are helpful to the community. This would help you to settle on the path you would like to cross and contribute to.

1. Social Workers – Human Service Assistants

While a few positions might demand a bachelor’s degree, in this human services field, most of the paths as a social worker can be taken up with a degree in the human services program. It may sound misleading to some people but a graduate from a human services program can actually pursue this career.

These Social Workers are the best Human Services Assistants who offer help to the ones who need it the most among all of human services jobs. They can either work alone or under a government agency that helps the individuals or families that have a low income as a result of which, they are unable to support themselves or the homeless people with no roof over their heads. They are also substance abuse counselors in the human services field.

Social workers can also work within the walls of a school to provide assistance to the children who are at risk and need their help the most. They also address very important issues like addiction and chronic diseases that young children must be aware of so as to not fall into its trap which is a vital part of being employed in any of the human services jobs. Apart from schools, they work in hospitals and clinics for the same purpose

Human Services Job
Photo by UnlimPhotos/nnudoo

2. Family Court Advocate in the Human Services Field

This particular field among the human services jobs is inclusive of advocates that work in family courts under the social services departments or even the intervention programs that deal with crises.

They even go to the extent of staying with them if those families are in need of showing up to the court. This mostly happens with the children who are under the care of a foster home. Not only them, a Family Court Advocate also help the children who are recovering from domestic violence or even sexual assault incidents.

The primary goal of a family court advocate is to aid and support the children and family in any legal case by keeping their best interests at heart. They give it their all by staying with the affected families and children and providing them with all the help they need. Some of their clients locate jobs even if in the past they had been associated with rehabilitation centers.

They work very hard towards building a solid relationship with their clients and help them navigate their way through the legalities of the court.

3. Mental Health Counselor 

Among the number of fields that come under the broad umbrella of Human Services Jobs, the job of a Mental Health Counselor requires high qualifications as well as patience. A mental health counselor provides help and support to everyone who is experiencing mental or emotional distress. They make them feel heard and talk them out of the dark place they find themself trapped in.

They make use of a number of therapeutic techniques in order to help a person to manage their depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions and come out of them as a stronger individual. They have the training to conduct and hold individual, as well as group sessions of therapy, lie support groups as human service professionals and social workers.

Even though the mental health counselors or even substance abuse counselors can diagnose a condition they cannot go ahead and prescribe any kind of medication, one has to go see a psychiatrist in that case. However, they can recommend activities that one can indulge in and exercises they can practice to better their condition.

Human Services Job
Photo by UnlimPhotos/Kzenon

4. Behavioral Management Aide

Among the many human services jobs, in the human services field if you choose Behavioral Management Aide as your career path you would be expected to assess your clients in order to find out what behaviors are dysfunctional, discuss and suggest with them the alternate behavioral patterns in front of their family or in some cases the teachers.

They work with them on creating an alternate training plan circling around their behavior and you would also have the responsibility to make sure the alignment of all the relevant stakeholders.

As a discipline, Behavioral Management and the human service assistants work constantly towards bringing about a change in people’s behavior, and in this particular case of Behavioral Aide, the central focus is on children even though there is also a space for the Adult corollary that exists within the justice system.

Behavioral Management makes use of a variety of tactics and utilizes those tips and tricks to bring about a change in the behavior that is otherwise considered dysfunctional.

Behavioral Management Aides are of extreme significance since they are very useful to the educational system among children and even their families. In the case of children, this mostly takes place in a school setting as that promises minimum classroom disruption and also helps the child to attain helpful habits of studying much higher test scores.

However, in a homely setting, this practice helps the children to either minimize or completely eliminate their violent behavior or in some cases their tantrums.

5. Career in Criminology 

In the career path of Criminology, there are Federal levels such as working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation or even the Secret Service. These levels usually have the requirement of advanced degrees and there exists a wide array of positions that vary from the Special Agents in this field to Analysts who work on analyzing and maintaining data, these people work as human service assistants.

To talk about the possibilities that exist within the field of Law Enforcement, there is a sub-sector called Forensics, that is worth further investigation. From working towards finding out the kind of bullet that was fired to checking the clothes for bodily fluids or powder buns they work in the form of a Lab Technician, another one of the Human services workers

A sub-sector within the realms of Human Services, Criminology is primarily about working with people who in various capacities, have broken the law. While there are some people who work towards catching criminals who have broken the law through investigation as well as law enforcement, a few of them work within the legal system with convicted criminals who have already been caught.

Human service assistants ensure and guide such people to help them navigate their way through the legal system. There are also other workers in this field of a career within human services jobs that work along with the prisoners in mental health capacities or even to help them prepare to re-enter society after they have served their sentences.

Photo by UnlimPhotos/Elnur

6. Case Management Aide

Functioning as administrative support for all the other Human Services Professionals, A Case Management aide worker generally works in collaboration with a social worker or even a caseworker to help facilitate the processing of cases as well as applications.

One of the human services workers who Act as a conduit of information, a case management aide worker works within an agency and builds an initial point of contact with the community. The Act in a reception capacity and in case management aide meets the client, give them paper work to fill out and then go about informing them the rules and guidelines of the agency.

The work schedule of someone employed as a Case Management Worker would be inclusive of them interviewing clients, making data entries, Making extremely significant and limited decisions regarding eligibility, filing paperwork on behalf of those who are busy assisting or making contact with collateral sources, providing their clients with Information regarding community resources, Reception duties, Scheduling client meetings with workers and more.

Once the employee has explained to their client the intake process for their particular organization, they help them in understanding and comprehending the expectations of the agency by helping them to navigate their way through the legalities of their system as human services workers by giving them legal assistance.

The case management aide performs a significant function within the sector of Human Services by smoothing the flow of paperwork as well as the information to and from clients and their associated workers. The Case Management Aide acts as the initial point of contact, and also makes the first impression on the client to later begin the process of establishing rapport.

Final Note

One factor that you must keep in mind while settling on the field you would like to choose as your career path and contribute to in more ways than one is, that even though only a few of the mentioned jobs would be financially rewarding but each and every one of them would reward and satisfy you emotionally.

It is careers in fields like health or having human services jobs that truly makes one come closer to their community as social workers and human services assistant and truly help one and all out.

Helping one family or one citizen at a time could eventually bring about a revolution in more ways than one. Some of the careers require a specific certificate or license some a high school diploma a bachelor’s degree an advanced degree or a master’s degree that may vary from one state to another to work as social workers or human service assistants.

Therefore, the reader must contact the concerned authority for their choice of career to understand and determine all that is required for them to start their journey and pursue their dream job and career path as a human services professional or human service assistant and also help your clients locate jobs as community health workers and don’t forget to also check out the labor statistics to provide social and human service.

Also, Feel write to us if there is anything specific you want to know about and you know we will get back to you with the needed information. Keep a lookout for a number of jobs but keep your focus on your area of interest or expertise as that would eventually reflect in your performance.