A backlink is one of the most cost-effective ways of marketing your website on the internet. Also, know as an inbound link, backlinks help direct traffic to your website. The more the number of backlinks a website has, the more are the chances of people visiting your website which in turn leads to a higher and more profound search engine ranking.
What Is a Backlink?

A backlink is the most practiced, efficient, and cost-effective method of marking on the internet. Also called the inbound link, a backlink reroutes the traffic to your websites with the help of various backlinks posted on other websites. Having a large number of quality backlinks enhances a site’s chance at search engine optimization (SEO), propelling and catapulting your website, business, blog, etc. at the top.
What you have to do is make sure that the website on which the links are posted has the relevant material for your business or blog. Selecting a niche for your website is really important.
Example: If you have a website selling alarm clocks, posting on a fashion website would not help you much. Sure, you can find a way of relating fashion to alarm clocks but it would not do any good for the incoming traffic on your website. It is essential that you decide the types of websites where the quality backlinks would work.
Before we understand the various methods of posting backlinks, let us understand how it can help and assist the growth of your website :

- It is one of the cheapest and most free tools of marketing on the internet. It is based on a relationship that you develop with other websites. For a basic understanding: it is a give and take relationship. You provide the other website with material or content and they let you post backlinks to support your website.
- Posting backlinks can also help you generate relevant traffic to your website. You should always choose to market to your niche or a selected group of target customers by writing and submitting content on a website that matches your product profile. It increases the chance of a reader to click on your backlink for more information on the product.
- Relationship building is another added advantage to posting backlinks, it makes your product trustworthy and concrete in the marketplace. It is important that a follow-up is done regularly on every backlink created for your site.
- SEO, posting quality links would escalate your search engine rank. The more the number and relevance of links, the more the ranking increases on the search engine.
- Backlinks would prove to be a boon for your website by boosting sales and revenues as more and more people visit your website.
- References are the number of people directed by a consumer’s suggestion. The chances of references also increase if the backlinks are posted with precision.
Here are a few ways of making quality backlinks:

1. Writing Blogs
Always be sure of the viewers or the traffic of the blog before you start posting on it. Know what your market is and understand what you are offering to customers. Don’t go about posting backlinks in the dark as it would not help you. Writing and posting good quality content with your backlink would ensure SEO for the blog and the chances of targeted people clicking on your link.
2. Commenting
It is another useful way of posting a backlink. Good quality comments urge the readers to scroll further to understand the best point of view. A comment with good content and a link would increase the chances of readers traveling to your website
3. Forums
A useful way of marketing and posting good quality backlinks are various forums operating on the internet. Shortlist the forum relevant to your business and targeted customers and then post and discuss in an entirely professional manner to impress the readers. Do not spam or you will be banned from the website. Remember! The best way to do it is the power of suggestion. Keep posting and participating regularly in a particular forum so that people recognize you and have faith in your content and eventually in your link.
4. Free Articles
Writing an article is not everyone’s cup of tea, but if you are able to draft an article and submit it on a website, it would help your purpose immensely. An article with proper and formatted usage of keywords intrigues readers and hence escalates the traffic to your page. Always write with passion and never use the same heading twice.
5. Q & A Websites
There are many websites and subsites dedicated to solving the everyday problems that people face. Based on your expertise in your area of business, start writing answers to people’s questions. The answers should be valid and written well enough to ensure that people click on the link mentioned there. Such websites also help concrete your image and your brands as well.
6. Using Social Media
Another easy way to post for your site would be making communities, joining communities, sharing, composing updates, etc. by using social networking and media websites. The field that relates best to your business should always be the priority so that valid clicks are promoted. Impressive work can gain various followers, likes, and highlights making more people interested in your post.